As a staff member of Day Spring Villa, or a student, volunteer, or speaker affiliated with DaySpring Villa, I will not divulge any information that comes to me through the carrying out of my assigned duties, program, or assignment while at this facility.
This shall include:
Not discussing any specific guest, or any information pertaining to any specific guest, with anyone (even including my own family) who is not directly working with said guest.
Not discussing information pertaining to any guest any place it can be overheard by anyone not directly working with said guest, especially other guests.
Not mentioning any guest's name or admitting, directly or indirectly, any person named is a guest, except to those authorized to have this information.
Not describing any behavior which I have observed, heard, or learned through my relationship as a staff/student/volunteer/speaker affiliated with DaySpring Villa, except to those authorized to have this information.
I will not contact any individual or agency outside this facility to get personal information about an individual unless a Release of Information Form has been signed by the guest or guardian of the guest.